Design Advice on Sprucing Up Hotel Outdoor Spaces for Spring and Summer
As the weather starts warming up, your guests will be interested in getting out and utilizing your outdoor spaces, including pools, bars, courtyards, and rooftops. Sprucing up these spaces is also an excellent way to stand out from your competitors and gain some curb appeal, too!
In this post, Innvision Design Studio experts share easy ways to spruce up your hotel’s outdoor spaces just in time for spring and summer — without breaking the bank.
The Importance of Your Outdoor Space Design
Your hotel’s outdoor spaces provide a different experience and amenity for your guests that can make your property stand out from the rest. It feels good to be outdoors in warm weather after being cooped up with the winter blues, so your guests will be ready to reap the benefits of the fresh air and sunshine.
Since outdoor spaces don’t only include swimming pools and rooftop bars, you can create new opportunities for this. For example, tasteful, cozy courtyards could be a nice addition to most properties.
Ways to Spruce Up Your Hotel’s Outdoor Spaces
If you are driving in a big city and see a balcony or rooftop overflowing with gorgeous greenery, you are more likely to look up at that building (hotel, apartment, office space) and remember it. Augment outdoor areas with greenery to create a welcoming atmosphere full of life and vitality.
By the way, if you have planters, flower beds, or grass, get your landscaper out as soon as the weather turns. You don’t want guests out enjoying the pool while the landscapers are laying fertilizer down on the lawn next to their chairs.

Market lights add beautiful ambient illumination to outdoor spaces, casting everything in a romantic golden glow. Replacing harsh fluorescent bulbs with market lights will improve the vibe in your courtyards or gardens and turn them into nighttime nooks.
You can also add solar floor lamps or up-down lights to your building. Guests will be out later at night and ambient lighting will keep them at your hotel, not at the bar next door.
Clean Outdoor Furniture
There’s nothing less welcoming to guests than weather-worn and dirty patio furniture covered in bird poop! Schedule a deep cleaning if items collected dirt or have been stored away and picked up dust during the cold season. Before the warm season, replace any damaged or torn items. Your pieces don’t have to be brand new every year if you purchase quality outdoor furniture and maintain them in good condition.
Another easy way to spruce up your outdoor spaces and add some current design flair is by adding fresh, new throw pillows to go with your existing furniture.
Add a Fireplace
In spring and fall, guests are itching to get outside even though it still gets chilly at night. A fireplace could be a great atmosphere-setting centerpiece for guests to gather around while they enjoy a drink and settle in for the night. Be sure to check your local codes and ordinances first!

Think Ahead
As spring approaches, consider how to upgrade your space for next winter. Don’t wait until the last minute to purchase heaters or the popular transparent bubbles. Now is a great
time to get those orders in and increase your hotel’s operable spaces.
Also, if you want to add a rooftop bar, pool, or courtyard, now is a good time to discuss design planning so it can be renovated in the winter and ready for guests next spring.
At Innvision, quality and value are at the forefront of everything we do, including the design of outdoor spaces. Your outdoor spaces will always get the most wear and tear – think sun, rain, snow, sunscreen, and pool water – so you’ll want to invest in pieces that will last year after year.
We also know that lead times for outdoor furniture can be very long, so we help our clients prepare by suggesting easy in-the-moment updates and long-term, lasting solutions that you can easily convert from summer to winter.
Contact us today to spruce up your hotel’s outdoor spaces in time for spring and summer!